Hardware independent audio for Amiga

AHI Developer's Guide for AHI version 4.20

Document version 4.11 (1999-03-28)

Martin 'Leviticus' Blom

Table of Contents

AHI Developer's Guide

For AHI version 4.20. Document version 4.11 (1999-03-28).

Copyright (C) 1994-1999 Martin Blom

The latest release of AHI can always be found at http://www.lysator.liu.se/~lcs/ahi.html.


This document was written in order to make it easier for developers to understand and use AHI in their own productions, and write Software That Works(TM).

ahi.device has two different API's; one library-like function interface (low-level), and one "normal" device interface (high-level). Each of them serves different purposes. The low-level interface is targeting music players, games and real-time applications. The high-level interface is targeting applications that just want to have a sample played, play audio streams or record samples as easily as possible.

As with everything else, it is important that you chose the right tool for the job--you'll only get frustrated otherwise.

Not everything about AHI is documented here; for more information, see AHI User's Guide and the autodocs.


Copyright (C) 1994-1999 Martin Blom

AHI is available as freeware. That is, it may be freely distributed in unmodified form with no changes what so ever, but you may not charge more than a nominal fee covering distribution costs. However, donations are welcome (see AHI User's Guide).

If you use this software in a commercial or shareware product, please consider giving the author (see section The Author)---and preferably each one of the contributors too (see AHI User's Guide)---an original or registered version of your work. Should you want to distribute the AHI software with your own product, there is really nothing to consider, is it?

If you wish to distribute this software with a hardware product, contact the author (see section The Author). Distribution of AHI with hardware products is not free.


The Author

The author can be reached at the following addresses:

Electronic mail
Standard mail
Martin Blom
Als�ttersgatan 15A:24
SE-584 35 Link�ping
World-Wide Web


Following are some general definitions of terms that are used in this document.

A sample is one binary number, representing the amplitude at a fixed point in time. A sample is often stored as an 8 bit signed integer, a 16 bit signed integer, a 32 bit floating point number etc. AHI only supports integers.
Sample frame
In mono environments, a sample frame is the same as a sample. In stereo environments, a sample frame is a tuple of two samples. The first member is for the left channel, the second for the right.
Many sample frames stored in sequence as an array can be called a sound. A sound is, however, not limited to being formed by samples, it can also be parameters to an analog synth or a MIDI instrument, or be white noise. AHI only supports sounds formed by samples.

Function Interface

The device has, in addition to the usual I/O request protocol, a set of functions that allows the programmer to gain full control (at least as much as possible with device independence) over the audio hardware. The advantages are low overhead and much more advanced control over the playing sounds. The disadvantages are greater complexity and only one user per sound card.

If you want to play music or sound effects for a game, record in high quality or want to do realtime effects, this is the API to use.


Follow The Rules

It's really simple. If I tell you to check return values, check sample types when recording, not to trash d2-d7/a2-a6 in hooks, or not to call AHI_ControlAudio() with the AHIC_Play tag from interrupts or hooks, you do as you are told.

The Library Base

The AHIBase structure is private, so are the sub libraries' library base structures. Don't try to be clever.

The Audio Database

The implementation of the database is private, and may change any time. ahi.device provides functions access the information in the database (AHI_NextAudioID(), AHI_GetAudioAttrsA() and AHI_BestAudioIDA()).

User Hooks

All user hooks must follow normal register conventions, which means that d2-d7 and a2-a6 must be preserved. They may be called from an interrupt, but you cannot count on that; it can be your own process or another process. Don't assume the system is in single-thread mode. Never spend much time in a hook, get the work done as quick as possible and then return.

Function Calls From Other Tasks, Interrupts Or User Hooks

The AHIAudioCtrl structure may not be shared with other tasks/threads. The task that called AHI_AllocAudioA() must do all other calls too (except those callable from interrupts).

Only calls specifically said to be callable from interrupts may be called from user hooks or interrupts. Note that AHI_ControlAudioA() has some tags that must not be present when called from an interrupt.


Most audio drivers need multitasking to be turned on to function properly. Don't turn it off while using the device.

Opening And Closing ahi.device For Low-level Access

Not too hard. Just open ahi.device unit AHI_NO_UNIT and initialize AHIBase. After that you can access all the functions of the device just as if you had opened a standard shared library.


For the assembler programmer there are two handy macros: OPENAHI and CLOSEAHI. Here is a small example how to use them:

        OPENAHI 4                  ;Open at least version 4.
        lea     _AHIBase(pc),a0
        move.l  d0,(a0)
        beq     error

; AHI's functions can now be called as normal library functions:
        move.l  _AHIBase(pc),a6
        moveq   #AHI_INVALID_ID,d0
        jsr     _LVOAHI_NextAudioID(a6)


Note that you have to execute the CLOSEAHI macro even if OPENAHI failed!


For the C programmer, here is how it should be done:

struct Library    *AHIBase;
struct MsgPort    *AHImp=NULL;
struct AHIRequest *AHIio=NULL;
BYTE               AHIDevice=-1;

if(AHImp = CreateMsgPort())
  if(AHIio = (struct AHIRequest *) CreateIORequest(
      AHImp, sizeof(struct AHIRequest)))
    AHIio->ahir_Version = 4;  /* Open at least version 4. */
    if(!(AHIDevice = OpenDevice(AHINAME, AHI_NO_UNIT,
        (struct IORequest *) AHIio, NULL)))
      AHIBase = (struct Library *) AHIio->ahir_Std.io_Device;

// AHI's functions can now be called as normal library functions:

      CloseDevice((struct IORequest *) AHIio);
      AHIDevice = -1;
    DeleteIORequest((struct IORequest *) AHIio);
    AHIio = NULL;
  AHImp = NULL;

Obtaining The Hardware

If you wish to call any other function than

...you have to allocate the actual sound hardware. This is done with AHI_AllocAudioA(). AHI_AllocAudioA() returns an AHIAudioCtrl structure, or NULL if the hardware could not be allocated. The AHIAudioCtrl structure has only one public field, ahiac_UserData. This is unused by AHI and you may store anything you like here.

If AHI_AllocAudioA() fails it is important that you handle the situation gracefully.

When you are finished playing or recording, call AHI_FreeAudio() to deallocate the hardware and other resources allocated by AHI_AllocAudioA(). AHI_FreeAudio() also deallocates all loaded sounds (see section Declaring Sounds).

AHI_AllocAudioA() Tags

AHI_AllocAudioA() takes several tags as input.

This is the audio mode to be used. You must not use any hardcoded values other than AHI_DEFAULT_ID, which is the user's default fallback ID. In most cases you should ask the user for an ID code (with AHI_AudioRequestA()) and then store the value in your settings file.
This is the mixing frequency to be used. The actual frequency will be rounded to the nearest frequency supported by the sound hardware. To find the actual frequency, use AHI_GetAudioAttrsA(). If omitted or AHI_DEFAULT_FREQ, the user's preferred fallback frequency will be used. In most cases you should ask the user for a frequency (with AHI_AudioRequestA()) and then store the value in your settings file.
All sounds are played on a channel, and this tag selects how many you wish to use. In general it takes more CPU power the more channels you use and the volume gets lower and lower.
You must tell AHI how many different sounds you are going to play. See section Declaring Sounds for more information.
With this tag you tell AHI to call a hook when a sound has been started. It works just like Paula's audio interrupts. The hook receives an AHISoundMessage structure as message. AHISoundMessage->ahism_Channel indicates which channel the sound that caused the hook to be called is played on.
If you are going to play a musical score, you should use this "interrupt" source instead of VBLANK or CIA timers in order to get the best result with all audio drivers. If you cannot use this, you must not use any "non-realtime" modes (see AHI_GetAudioAttrsA() in the autodocs, the AHIDB_Realtime tag).
If non-zero, it enables timing and specifies how many times per second PlayerFunc will be called. This must be specified if AHIA_PlayerFunc is! It is suggested that you keep the frequency below 100-200 Hz. Since the frequency is a fixpoint number AHIA_PlayerFreq should be less than 13107200 (that's 200 Hz).
The minimum frequency (AHIA_PlayerFreq) you will use. You should always supply this if you are using the device's interrupt feature!
The maximum frequency (AHIA_PlayerFreq) you will use. You should always supply this if you are using the device's interrupt feature!
This hook will be called regularly when sampling is turned on (see AHI_ControlAudioA()). It is important that you always check the format of the sampled data, and ignore it if you can't parse it. Since this hook may be called from an interrupt, it is not legal to directly Write() the buffer to disk. To record directly to harddisk you have to copy the samples to another buffer and signal a process to save it. To find out the required size of the buffer, see AHI_GetAudioAttrsA() in the autodocs, the AHIDB_MaxRecordSamples tag.
Can be used to initialize the ahiac_UserData field. You do not have to use this tag to change ahiac_UserData, you may write to it directly.

Declaring Sounds

Before you can play a sample array, you must AHI_LoadSound() it. Why? Because if AHI knows what kind of sounds that will be played later, tables and stuff can be set up in advance. Some drivers may even upload the samples to the sound cards local RAM and play all samples from there, drastically reducing CPU and bus load.

You should AHI_LoadSound() the most important sounds first, since the sound cards RAM may not be large enough to hold all your sounds.

AHI_LoadSound() also associates each sound or sample array with a number, which is later used to refer to that particular sound.

There are 2 types of sounds, namely AHIST_SAMPLE and AHIST_DYNAMICSAMPLE.

This is used for static samples. Most sounds that will be played are of this type. Once the samples has been "loaded", you may not alter the memory where the samples are located. You may, however, read from it.
If you wish to play samples that you calculate in realtime, or load in portions from disk, you must use this type. These samples will never be uploaded to a sound cards local RAM, but always played from the normal memory. There is a catch, however. Because of the fact that the sound is mixed in chunks, you must have a certain number of samples in memory before you start a sound of this type. To calculate the size of the buffer (in samples), use the following formula:
size = samples * Fs / Fm
where samples is the value returned from AHI_GetAudioAttrsA() when called with the AHIDB_MaxPlaySamples tag, Fs is the highest frequency the sound will be played at and Fm is the actual mixing frequency (AHI_ControlAudioA()/AHIC_MixFreq_Query).

The samples can be in one of four different formats, named AHIST_M8S, AHIST_S8S, AHIST_M16S, and AHIST_S16S.

This is an 8 bit mono sound. Each sample frame is just one signed byte.
This is an 8 bit stereo sound. Each sample frame is one signed byte representing the left channel, followed by another one for the right channel.
This is a 16 bit mono sound. Each sample frame is just one signed 16 bit word, in big endian/network order format (most significant byte first).
This is a 16 bit stereo sound. Each sample frame is one signed 16 bit word, in big endian/network order format (most significant byte first) representing the left channel, followed by another one for the right channel.

If you know that you won't use a sound anymore, call AHI_UnloadSound(). AHI_FreeAudio() will also do that for you for any sounds left when called.

There is no need to place a sample array in Chip memory, but it must not be swapped out! Allocate your sample memory with the MEMF_PUBLIC flag set. If you wish to have your samples in virtual memory, you have to write a double-buffer routine that copies a chunk of memory to a MEMF_PUBLIC buffer. The SoundFunc should signal a task to do the transfer, since it may run in supervisor mode (see AHI_AllocAudioA()).

Making Noise

After you have allocated the sound hardware and declared all your sounds, you're ready to start playback. This is done with a call to AHI_ControlAudioA(), with the AHIC_Play tag set to TRUE. When this function returns the PlayerFunc (see AHI_AllocAudioA()) is active, and the audio driver is feeding silence to the sound hardware.

Playing A Sound

All you have to do now is to set the desired sound, it's frequency and volume. This is done with AHI_SetSound(), AHI_SetFreq() and AHI_SetVol(). Make sure the AHISF_IMM flag is set for all these function's flag argument. And don't try to modify a channel that is out of range! If you have allocated 4 channels you may only modify channels 0-3.

The sound will not start until both AHI_SetSound() and AHI_SetFreq() has been called. The sound will play even if AHI_SetVol() was not called, but it will play completely silent. If you wish to temporary stop a sound, set its frequency to 0. When you change the frequency again, the sound will continue where it were.

When the sound has been started it will play to the end and then repeat. In order to play a one-shot sound you have use the AHI_PlayA() function, or install a sound interrupt using the AHIA_SoundFunc tag with AHI_AllocAudioA(). For more information about using sound interrupts, see below.

A little note regarding AHI_SetSound(): Offset is the first sample that will be played, both when playing backwards and forwards. This means that if you call AHI_SetSound() with offset 0 and length 4, sample 0,1,2 and 3 will be played. If you call AHI_SetSound() with offset 3 and length -4, sample 3,2,1 and 0 will be played.

Also note that playing very short sounds will be very CPU intensive, since there are many tasks that must be done each time a sound has reached its end (like starting the next one, calling the SoundFunc, etc.). Therefore, it is recommended that you "unroll" short sounds a couple of times before you play them. How many times you should unroll? Well, it depends on the situation, of course, but try making the sound a thousand samples long if you can. Naturally, if you need your SoundFunc to be called, you cannot unroll.

Playing One-shot Sounds And Advanced Loops

Some changes has been made since earlier releases. One-shot sounds and sounds with only one loop segment can now be played without using sample interrupts. This is possible because one of the restrictions regarding the AHISF_IMM flag has been removed.

The AHISF_IMM flag determines if AHI_SetSound(), AHI_SetFreq() and AHI_SetVol() should take effect immediately or when the current sound has reached its end. The rules for this flags are:

What does this mean? It means that if all you want to do is to play a one-shot sound from inside a PlayerFunc, you can do that by first calling AHI_SetSound(), AHI_SetFreq() and AHI_SetVol() with AHISF_IMM set, and then use AHI_SetSound(ch, AHI_NOSOUND, 0, 0, actrl, 0L) to stop the sound when it has reached the end. You can also set one loop segment this way.

AHI_PlayA() was added in AHI version 4, and combines AHI_SetSound(), AHI_SetFreq() and AHI_SetVol() into one tag-based function. It also allows you to set one loop and play one-shot sounds.

To play a sound with more than one loop segment or ping-pong looping, a sample interrupt needs to be used. AHI's SoundFunc works like Paula's interrupts and is very easy to use.

The SoundFunc hook will be called with an AHIAudioCtrl structure as object and an AHISoundMessage structure as message. ahism_Channel indicates which channel caused the hook to be called.

An example SoundFunc which handles the repeat part of an instrument can look like this (SAS/C code):

__asm __saveds ULONG SoundFunc(register __a0 struct Hook *hook,
    register __a2 struct AHIAudioCtrl *actrl,
    register __a1 struct AHISoundMessage *chan)
    AHI_SetSound(chan->ahism_Channel, 0,
        (ULONG) ChannelDatas[chan->ahism_Channel].Address,
        actrl, NULL);
    AHI_SetSound(chan->ahism_Channel, AHI_NOSOUND,
        NULL, NULL, actrl, NULL);
  return NULL;

This example is from an old version of the AHI NotePlayer for DeliTracker 2. ChannelDatas is an array where the start and length of the repeat part is stored. Here, a repeat length of zero indicates a one-shot sound. Note that this particular example only uses one sound (0). For applications using multiple sounds, the sound number would have to be stored in the array as well.

Once again, note that the AHISF_IMM flag should never be set in a SoundFunc hook!

Tricks With The Volume

Starting with V4, AHI_SetVol() can take both negative volume and pan parameters. If you set the volume to a negative value, the sample will, if the audio mode supports it, invert each sample before playing. If pan is negative, the sample will be encoded to go to the surround speakers.

Device Interface

The I/O request protocol makes it very easy to play audio streams, sounds from disk and non time-critical sound effects in a multitasking friendly way. Recoding is just as easy, on behalf of quality. Several programs can play sounds at the same time, and even record at the same time if your hardware is full duplex.

If you want to write a sample player, play (warning?) sounds in your applications, play an audio stream from a CD via the SCSI/IDE bus, write a voice command utility etc., this is the API to use.

Note that while all the low-level functions (see section Function Interface) count lengths and offsets in sample frames, the device interface--like all Amiga devices--uses bytes.

Opening And Closing ahi.device For High-level Access

Four primary steps are required to open ahi.device:

Each OpenDevice() must eventually be matched by a call to CloseDevice(). When the last close is performed, the device will deallocate all resources.

All I/O requests must be completed before CloseDevice(). Abort any pending requests with AbortIO().


struct MsgPort    *AHImp      = NULL;
struct AHIRequest *AHIio      = NULL;
BYTE               AHIDevice  = -1;
UBYTE              unit       = AHI_DEFAULT_UNIT;

/* Check if user wants another unit here... */

if(AHImp = CreateMsgPort())
  if(AHIio = (struct AHIRequest *)
      CreateIORequest(AHImp, sizeof(struct AHIRequest)))
    AHIio->ahir_Version = 4;
    if(!(AHIDevice = OpenDevice(AHINAME, unit, 
        (struct IORequest *) AHIio, NULL)))

      /* Send commands to the device here... */

      if(! CheckIO((struct IORequest *) AHIio))
        AbortIO((struct IORequest *) AHIio);

      WaitIO((struct IORequest *) AHIio);

      CloseDevice((struct IORequest *) AHIio);
      AHIDevice = -1;
    DeleteIORequest((struct IORequest *) AHIio);
    AHIio = NULL;
  AHImp = NULL;

Reading From The Device

You read from ahi.device by passing an AHIRequest to the device with CMD_READ set in io_Command, the number of bytes to be read set in io_Length, the address of the read buffer set in io_Data, the desired sample format set in ahir_Type and the desired sample frequency set in ahir_Frequency. The first read command in a sequence should also have io_Offset set to 0. io_Length must be an even multiple of the sample frame size.

Double Buffering

To do double buffering, just fill the first buffer with DoIO() and io_Offset set to 0, then start filling the second buffer with SendIO() using the same I/O request (but don't clear io_Offset!). After you have processed the first buffer, wait until the I/O request is finished and start over with SendIO() on the first buffer.


The samples will automatically be converted to the sample format set in ahir_Type and to the sample frequency set in ahir_Frequency. Because it is quite unlikely that you ask for the same sample frequency the user has chosen in the preference program, chances that the quality is lower than expected are pretty high. The worst problem is probably the anti-aliasing filter before the A/D converter. If the user has selected a higher sampling/mixing frequency than you request, the signal will be distorted according to the Nyquist sampling theorem. If, on the other hand, the user has selected a lower sampling/mixing frequency than you request, the signal will not be distorted but rather bandlimited more than necessary.

Writing To The Device

You write to the device by passing an AHIRequest to the device with CMD_WRITE set in io_Command, the precedence in io_Message.mn_Node.ln_Pri, the number of bytes to be written in io_Length, the address of the write buffer set in io_Data, the sample format set in ahir_Type, the desired sample frequency set in ahir_Frequency, the desired volume set in ahir_Volume and the desired stereo position set in ahir_Position. Unless you are doing double buffering, ahir_Link should be set to NULL. io_Length must be an even multiple of the sample frame size.

Double Buffering

To do double buffering, you need two I/O requests. Create the second one by making a copy of the request you used in OpenDevice(). Start the first with SendIO(). Set ahir_Link in the second request to the address of the first request, and SendIO() it. Wait on the first, fill the first buffer again and repeat, this time with ahir_Link of the first buffer set to the address of the second I/O request.


The problems with aliasing are present but not as obvious as with reading. Just make sure your source data is bandlimited correctly, and do not play samples at a lower frequency than they were recorded.

Playing multiple sounds at the same time

If you want to play several sounds at the same time, just make a new copy of the I/O request you used in OpenDevice(), and CMD_WRITE it. The user has set the number of channels available in the preference tool, and if too many requests are sent to the device the one with lowest precedence will be muted. When a request is finished, the muted request with the highest precedence will be played. Note that all muted requests continue to play silently, so the programmer will not have to worry if there are enough channels or not.

Suggested precedences

The precedences to use depend on what kind of sound you are playing. The recommended precedences are the same as for audio.device, listed in AMIGA ROM Kernel Reference manual -- Devices. Reprinted without permission. So sue me.

 Precedences  | Type of sound
    127       |  Unstoppable.  Sounds first allocated at lower
              | precedencies, then set to this highest level.
    90 - 100  |  Emergencies.  Alert, urgent situation that requires
              | immediate action.
    80 - 90   |  Annunciators.  Attention, bell (CTRL-G).
    75        |  Speech.  Synthesized or recorded speech
              | (narrator.device).
    50 - 70   |  Sonic cues.  Sounds that provide information that is not
              | provided by graphics.  Only the beginning of of each sound
              | should be at this level; the rest should ne set to sound
              | effects level.
   -50 - 50   |  Music program.  Musical notes in a music-oriented program.
              | The higher levels should be used for the attack portions
              | of each note.
   -70 - -50  |  Sound effects.  Sounds used in conjunction with graphics.
              | More important sounds should use higher levels.
   -100 - -80 |  Background.  Theme music and restartable background sounds.
   -128       |  Silence.  Lowest level (freeing the channel completely is
              | preferred).

Right. As you can see, some things do not apply to ahi.device. First, there is no way to change the precedence of a playing sound, so the precedences should be set from the beginning. Second, it is not recommended to use the device interface to play music. However, playing an audio stream from CD or disk comes very close. Third, there are no channels to free in AHI since they are dynamically allocated by the device.

Data Types And Structures

In this chapter some of the data types and structures used will be explained. For more information, please consult the autodocs and the include files.

Data Types


Fixed is a signed long integer. It is used to represent decimal numbers without using floating point arithmetics. The decimal point is assumed to be in the middle of the 32 bit integer, thus giving 16 bits for the integer part of the number and 16 bits for the fraction. The largest number that can be stored in a Fixed is +32767.999984741, and the lowest number is -32768.


 Decimal | Fixed
  1.0    | 0x00010000
  0.5    | 0x00008000
  0.25   | 0x00004000
  0      | 0x00000000
 -0.25   | 0xffffc000
 -0.5    | 0xffff8000
 -1.0    | 0xffff0000


sposition (stereo position) is a Fixed, and is used to represent the stereo position of a sound. 0 is far left, 0.5 is center and 1.0 is far right.


AHIUnitPrefs And AHIGlobalPrefs

These structures are used in the AHIU and AHIG chunks, respective, which are part of the settings file (`ENV:Sys/ahi.prefs'), The file is read by AHI on each call to OpenDevice(), just before the audio hardware is allocated.

AHIUnitPrefs specifies the audio mode and its parameters to use for each device unit (currently 0-3 and AHI_NO_UNIT; unit 0 is also called AHI_DEFAULT_UNIT).

AHIGlobalPrefs contains some global options that can be used to gain speed on slow CPUs, the global debug level and a protection against CPU overload. The debug level specifies which of the functions in AHI should print debugging information to the serial port (the output can be redirected to a console window or a file with tools like Sushi (1)).

Concept Index

Jump to: a - c - d - f - g - h - l - m - o - p - r - s - t - u - w


  • Audio streams, playing
  • Author of AHI
  • c

  • Copyright
  • d

  • Data Types
  • Data Types And Structures
  • Definitions
  • Disclaimer
  • Distortion, playing
  • Distortion, recording
  • Distribution
  • Double Buffering, reading
  • Double Buffering, writing
  • f

  • Function Interface
  • g

  • Games, music
  • Games, sound effects
  • Guidelines
  • h

  • Hooks
  • l

  • Legal nonsense
  • Library base
  • License
  • Loading Sounds
  • m

  • Multitasking
  • Music, games
  • Music, streams from disk
  • o

  • Overview
  • p

  • Playing
  • Playing audio streams
  • Precedences
  • Programming guidelines
  • r

  • Reading
  • Realtime effects
  • Recording
  • Recording, high quality
  • Recording, quick and easy
  • Recursion
  • s

  • Sample
  • Sample frame
  • Software license
  • Sound
  • Sound effects, games
  • Sound effects, system
  • Structures
  • Surround sound
  • t

  • The Audio Database
  • The Author
  • u

  • Unloading Sounds
  • w

  • Writing
  • Data Type Index

    Jump to: a - f - s


  • AHIAudioCtrl
  • AHIBase
  • AHIGlobalPrefs
  • AHIRequest
  • AHISoundMessage
  • AHIUnitPrefs
  • f

  • Fixed
  • s

  • sposition
  • Function Index

    Jump to: a


  • AHI_AllocAudioA()
  • AHI_BestAudioIDA()
  • AHI_ControlAudioA()
  • AHI_FreeAudio()
  • AHI_GetAudioAttrsA()
  • AHI_LoadSound()
  • AHI_NextAudioID()
  • AHI_PlayA()
  • AHI_SetFreq()
  • AHI_SetSound()
  • AHI_SetVol()
  • AHI_UnloadSound()
  • Variable Index

    Jump to: a - c - i - l


  • AHIA_AudioID
  • AHIA_Channels
  • AHIA_MaxPlayerFreq
  • AHIA_MinPlayerFreq
  • AHIA_MixFreq
  • AHIA_PlayerFreq
  • AHIA_PlayerFunc
  • AHIA_RecordFunc
  • AHIA_SoundFunc
  • AHIA_Sounds
  • AHIA_UserData
  • ahiac_UserData, ahiac_UserData
  • AHIC_Play
  • ahir_Frequency, ahir_Frequency
  • ahir_Link
  • ahir_Position
  • ahir_Type, ahir_Type
  • ahir_Volume
  • ahism_Channel
  • AHIST_M16S
  • AHIST_S16S
  • c

  • i

  • io_Command, io_Command
  • io_Data, io_Data
  • io_Length, io_Length, io_Length, io_Length
  • io_Offset
  • l

  • ln_Pri

  • Footnotes


    Available from AmiNet, for example

    This document was generated on 12 September 1999 using the texi2html translator version 1.52.